Any normal human being would love this album. Tinfoil and Powerless finish the album beautifully, and make you love Living Things. Then is ''Until it Breaks'', which is an experimental rap track with a sung outro. ''Skin to Bone'' is one of my favourites, it's a slow song with electro beats. Then is the first ballad on the album, ''Roads Untraveled'' which is a beautiful, slow song. Next track, ''Victimized'' is a heavy, rap-metal track which proves that LP still rocks. Opens big with ''Lost In The Echo'' and continues like that for the next 5 songs, and then slows down in ''Castle of Glass'' which is to me the best song on the album. Then is the first ballad on the album, ''Roads Untraveled'' which is a Living Things is easily one of Linkin Park's best records. Living Things is easily one of Linkin Park's best records. ||| My only complaint is that I wish the album was twice as long! … Expand Unfortunately, many fans of a particular sound will simply dismiss the album as a failure but in my opinion, as listener who consistently places Meteora at the top of my personal favorite LP albums, Living Things is a triumph. ||| All told, this album feels like Linkin Park is happy where they are and have struck a medium between what they were and what they had become. And then there's tracks that will appeal to the A Thousand Suns and Minutes to Midnight crowd.
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The album is heavy on electronica, but doesn't slight the guitars, and the Hybrid Theory/Meteora era angst-ridden screams are back in full force in several tracks. ||| IN MY OPINION, Living Things is an album that fits smack in the middle of the two opposing points. Neither set of /hardcore/ "one-or-the-other" fans will be happy with "Living Things". This shift gave them a whole different set of fans. Then they took a hard left turn and made two radically different albums that are heavy on electronica and light on the rap and nu-metal overtones. They became popular with two (well, two and a half) albums when Nu-Metal was "the thing" which gave them one set of fans. Neither set It's hard to not have sympathy for the guys in Linkin Park. It's hard to not have sympathy for the guys in Linkin Park. This stuff will eat Blink 182's and David Guettas of this world for breakfast. There is something to be said for the incredibly goovy rhythm section that LP have fashioned over the years. The new Smashing Pumpkins album is good too, but the sheer bombast and ambition of Living Things keeps calling me to it. If you're not willing to take that chance, listen to the stream on iTunes or the various videos on YouTube. LP fans will rejoice, while other rock music fans will find a remarkably consistent album that defies categorization and sounds different from everything else out there.

But hey, the music - that INCOMPARABLE mixture of electronica and metal, coupled to earnestness about world and emotional issues, means that even a 33 year old daddy like me can't get enough of them. I know their lyrics get heavy handed at times - they are not the best lyricists out there.

The deaf and dumb critics, while heaping praise upon smelly, skinny rock bands who can't wear a shirt decently and whose pimples show in their music, have always derided LP. What's new is a delicious mixture of electronica which means that every song is in a genre of its own. The melodies are usual LP stuff, nothing out of the ordinary. All of them have some quality that makes them shine.

The amazing thing about this album is that not one song is weak or half hearted. This is LP's best album since Hybrid Theory, and one of the best rock albums EVER. I kept refreshing the page to ensure that I got the first user review in.